Search Results
Squaring Mainframe Angles - EP5 - 7.25" Gauge Steam Locomotive Build.
7.25" Gauge Steam Locomotive Build - Ep 2 - Main frames, Buffer beams & Frame Stretcher.
Layshaft Holes & Bearings - EP3 - 7.25" Gauge Steam Locomotive Build
Straightening The Frames - EP4 - 7.25" Gauge Steam Locomotive Build.
Front Frame Stretcher - EP10 - 7.25" Gauge Steam Locomotive Build.
Anti Corrosion Painting - EP6 - 7.25" Gauge Steam Locomotive Build.
Part 1: The Buffer Beams
Fell Engine Project – Buffer Beams & Mounting Brackets S1.E2
Face Milling Steel Angle Iron
Vevor 5" Machine Vice - New Tool Day